Mary Dundas

Mary Dundas is the Coordinator for Evangelization & Sacramental Catechesis for the Diocese of Rochester, New York. It is her responsibility to develop and train parish leadership and teams for their Evangelization efforts and for the implementation of Diocesan Sacramental policies and practices for Baptism, Confirmation, First Eucharist, First Penance, RCIA and Marriage – all graced moments of evangelization in the life of the Church.

In the past seven years in this position she has been privileged to develop and maintain online resources and websites that include: an Online Pre-Cana option for couples who are geographically distanced and cannot attend a parish based option; a website for the un-churched, or those seeking understanding, called The Spiritual Pilgrim: A Catholic Invitation to Faith;” and a website for the promotion of the sacrament of Reconciliation called Forgiven”.

Mary is married with two young-adult children; holds a Masters degree in Pastoral Care and Counseling from St. Bernard’s School of Theology & Ministry in Rochester, NY; was previously a parish Coordinator for Youth & Young Adult Ministry for nine years; and is currently a member of the NCCL Committee on Evangelization.

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