Diane Kledzik

Diane Kledzik is in her eighteenth year of service to the Diocese of St. Petersburg, currently serving as the Associate Director for Evangelization, Small Christian Communities and Adult Faith Formation. Diane earned an MA in Pastoral Ministry from St. Thomas University in Miami, FL and a Certificate in Youth Ministry Studies and an Advanced Studies in Ministry Certificate from the Center for Ministry Development and has previously ministered in parishes (Dioceses of St. Petersburg and Orlando) and on the diocesan level (Diocese of Venice) in the area of Youth Ministry.

Nationally, Diane serves on the National Strong Catholic Families Strong Catholic Youth (SCFSCY) Team, is on the Board of the North American Forum for Small Christian Communities (NAFSCC) and represents this organization on the Representative Council of the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership (NCCL). In collaboration with three other diocesan leaders, she has helped to design and maintain the Strong Catholic Family Faith website and Facebook page. In St. Petersburg, she coordinates the Diocesan Core Community, Evangelization Team, Scripture Study Team and Strong Catholic Families Strong Catholic Youth Team and is a member of the Diocesan RCIA Committee. In her parish of St. Patrick in Largo, FL, Diane is a member of a Small Christian Community, an Infant Baptism Ministry catechist, an occasional RCIA catechist and recently served as PTO President of St. Patrick Catholic School (2013-2015)  Diane has been married to Geof for 23 years and is mother to Luke (20) and Andrew (12).

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