Faith in Action

Faith-Action cover WEB

Faith in Action

Transforming the World

This booklet provides discussion and sharing material for six sessions —all of them focused on the social teachings of the Church. Through sharing, conversation, and prayer parishioners will come to a deeper appreciation of the social teachings of the Church—and how they can transform our lives and our world. With discussion questions, prayer, and references for further reading in foundational church documents, these inexpensive booklets will help further many Catholic goals.

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Session 1: Every Person Matters (Human Dignity)

Session 2: God Sides with the Vulnerable (Preferential Option for the Poor)

Session 3: Peace Means More than no Violence (God’s Peaceable Kingdom)

Session 4: Be Present to the Suffering of Others (Service and Compassion)

Session 5: We are one Human Family (Global Solidarity)

Session 6: Working Together to Repair the World (Community)