

Is your parish bringing new members into the Catholic Church each year?  Are your parishioners inviting and welcoming inquirers with no church family?  Invite! Ask Someone to Explore the Catholic Faith will help you say, “yes” to these questions.

Many Catholics treasure the gift of their Catholic faith and are open to sharing their faith with others.  But when asked if they have ever invited an unchurched person to explore the Catholic way of life, they respond with Invite Logo Imageremarks and questions like…

  • “I’m not sure what to say!”
  • “Isn’t that the job of our pastor and staff?”
  • “I feel uncomfortable discussing my faith with others.  What if someone ask a question that I don’t know how to answer?”

In the midst of this Catholic hesitancy to invite, many seekers with no church family would welcome an invitation to learn more about the Catholic faith.  Invite! will help your parishioners become more confident and comfortable in extending invitations to others.

Invite! Ask Someone to Explore the Catholic Faith provides everything your parish needs to help you begin the invitation process.  The Parish Starter Kit for Invite! includes Come and See invitations, Parishioner Guides, the Parish Manual , the Invite! Display Poster, and the book for inquirers, Yes, I Can Believe by Fr. Frank DeSiano, CSP.

View the Invite! resources.

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